The cameraman – not the camera – maketh the picture

writes about why he ditches his 4K cameras – including a RED One and an Epic – in favour of the Canon C100 – a move that that would seem like downgrading to a lower spec camera. Walters robustly renews the point that creating great imagery depends on the cameraperson using their creative talents to…


New Dolby sound system Atmos pushes surround sound even further

Jeff Smith’s exhaustive article explains the tech behind, and the roll-out of to just a few cinemas in the US. The new system pushes surround sound to 64 channels – a leap forward from the 7.1 systems currently found in a very few ultra-well equipped cinemas. Smith notes that the costs for the upgrade is…


Fuju officially stops making film negative

This week Fujifilm officially discontinued the production of their Colour Positive Film, Colour Negative Film, B&W Positive/Negative Film, Intermediate Film, Sound Recording Film, and High Contrast Panchromatic Film. According to, Fuji had provided a reported 20% of film for studio projects with 80% coming from rival manufacturer Kodak.
