Association for SA specialist camera operators created

The South African Society of Cinematographers have created a new association for specialist camera operators, called the South African Society of Operators (SASO). SASO is open to specialist operators who, as yet, do not qualify for full membership within the SASC, and include aerial, drone, water, steadicam and tracking camera operators. Operators wishing to join…

Get set savvy by training to be a PA

Media Source Africa is offering an intensive, real-world 2 day Production Assistant Training Course in Cape Town on 30th & 31st August 2017. The course is specifically designed to equip emerging filmmakers with the ability to walk onto a set with confidence. Training includes • the role of a runner/production assistant • set etiquette • crew…

Best Camera Settings for Shooting Videos with a DSLR

A short video guide for beginner DSLR users to the best settings for shooting video, from DSLR shooter Darius Britt. Using an entry level Canon 60D, Britt gives a fast tour of the most important settings, including shutter speed, frame rate, sound recording and file numbering. The guide also spends a little time on specific settings…

Why so much Hollywood CGI is produced outside of the USA

A New York Times magazine piece explaining why some of the most thrilling CG for Hollywood blockbuster movies is being produced all over the world, especially in London, rather than in the USA. CG is one of the creative processes that can happen anywhere there are talented artists and technicians, and the tech and fast internet required to support…

Accounting for film production workshop

  There’s an apparent severe shortage of production accountants in South Africa, as well as a lack of knowledge among filmmakers on how to draft and manage production budgets. So says Destiny Media Africa, who, in association with Film Finances SA, will host a workshop on the 12 May 2017 on the fundamentals of production accounting.  The…